I've been writing software since the age of ten, and over the years consulted for numerous companies and start-ups. I love a technical challenge, and when I solve it I enjoy telling others about my journey. Maybe it will help someone, maybe it won't - but there's no harm in writing about it!
I'm currently the CTO (and technical co-founder) of Mio, an enterprise messaging interoperability SaaS product that we built from nothing staring in 2016. I spent a lot of my time in PHP/Laravel and Javascript, managing infrastructure in AWS and other cloud-platforms, and building development and test environments using VM's.
In my 30's and spent over three years learning to make wine at Plumpton College, UK and finally achieved my Brighton University degree (a first!) in Viticultre and Oenology BSc. Truly a life changing decision and changed my trajectory and view of life for the better.
For fun, I brew beer and pick guitar. And keep learning.